Hi :) As you can see, you've accidentally tumbled upon my blog. I don't know if you'll find any of the content interesting because frankly, it's about the random things and thoughts I keep coming across on a daily basis. I hope you don't regret paying a visit.
Monday, 14 December 2020
Breathing Memories.
Friday, 11 December 2020
Why I write on Love.
Thursday, 10 December 2020
On grief.
Sunday, 6 December 2020
We are damaged goods.
We are one broken generation.
We are Icarus' offsprings,
Flying too high;
Too near the sun.
Hence we drop down on the ground;
We fall,
Without a dull thud,
Without blood.
We fall,
With a million meteors
Accompanying us on our doomed journey,
Making it appear beautiful
To the people looking up at the sky;
Ignorant of the number of deaths
It requires
To create something so beautiful.
We are a generation of dreamers.
We never break from our slumber
Even though the world is screaming
At our ears,
"Too sensitive!"
"Too honest!"
"Too brave!"
Yes, we are a bit too much
Of everything
Normal people can't take in
And will never understand.
We are too real.
We are a generation of artists.
Each one of us
Is art itself;
And the artist too.
We have never believed
We couldn't be both.
We are mad;
We are wild;
We are living,
Making this wretched life count;
One breath at a time.
We owe it
To the million chances
We have given ourselves
After gulping down pills;
And slashing wrists.
We deserve every bit
Of this life;
However sad it is.
We are a generation
That has more to give
Than grainy monochrome photos,
That people mindlessly scroll through.
We give pictures to captions;
And not otherwise.
We shout;
We spill;
We rant.
We cannot compromise,
Because our conservative households
Want us to.
We are voices
That will scream
Until we are heard.
We are a generation of the dark.
Dark thoughts;
Darker souls.
We spill ink
In place of blood,
On blank pages.
We are made of busy days;
And suffocating nights.
We struggle with every bit
Of waking up in the morning,
But don't let the world know
That we'd hoped of not making it
through the night.
We hide;
But with SOS signs;
If anyone would just care
To look for them
In the depths of our eyes.
They scream;
We are a generation of lovers,
Waiting to be serenaded;
To be cared for;
when we can't do that
For ourselves.
We hope a lot
And that's one of the reasons
For our misery.
We keep our eyes open,
But we do trust a lot.
And when hopelessness visits us,
In the form of heartbreaks
Or betrayal,
That is not quite a pretty sight.
But we are a generation of believers.
We think we can move mountains
And change the course of rivers.
We think the world will change;
For the better.
So we sit,
And wait
For the day
When we'd start feeling alright.
Till then,
We appear as a generation
Of Admirers.
We look at pretty skies
And compose imaginary verses.
We try to shape our mess
And pose for group pictures
We are anxious people
We are too good
For this bad world.
But that's the catch;
We know there are others;
Just like us,
Waiting to be recognized
From a distance.
We live on;
In hope of meeting the one
Who would see us for us
And pass a knowing smile
"You too?"
"Yeah, me too."
Image: Pinterest